Annual Sponsorship Opportunity
Dear PBACCA Contractor and Associate Members:
Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association (PBACCA) thanks you for your sponsorship and support.
In an effort to simplify sponsorship opportunities for both the association and our sponsors, we are proud to announce our new “Annual Sponsorship Commitment.” This allows you to be a sponsor at ALL the PBACCA events! This also allows you to plan where you want your marketing dollars to go next year.
There are five Sponsorship Levels available which encompass our four different events:
You may select from: (view benefits for each sponsorship)
Your company will be recognized at each event at the sponsorship level of your choice.
For the top 4 levels, your Company name will appear for the entire year in The Plenum newsletter, in the section listing our Annual Sponsors.
Platinum sponsors are eligible to sponsor shirts, hats and coolers for special events, at an additional cost.